Friday, October 16, 2009

Age Old Story... You go to buy glasses...

This is a post long in writing. I have had several blogs in the past, and I am quite horrible at keeping up on them. I really only write for myself, and so I am horrible at updating.

For the past five months now I have been distracted. Okay, so I've been absent-minded my whole life. But the point is I've found someone who I give more of my attention to than usual, and it has been wonderful. I have reached out more than ever before, and found a focus on another person outside of myself. This is a difficult thing for me. I am really good at being self-absorbed and single minded. I suppose that will be a good thing for her too. Because when I set my mind to something, I'm not going to give up. I'm so good at that in fact, that my dad calls what I do a "Ryan Obsession." This is a bit different however.

Five months (or so) ago I went on a bit of a spending splurge. I had just finished paying all my BIG bills for the summer (tuition, rent, etc.) and felt like spending some money. Just another obsession I suppose. I went out and bought a PSP, several movies and Glasses. By this I mean the kind that improve your vision.

Now when I bought the glasses, I also took the girl that sold them to me out to lunch. The entire time I was in the glasses store her coworkers were hounding her about giving me her number. I didn't see this directly by the way, I just knew they were acting weird, and while the thought that they "needed to talk to [her]" about me crossed my mind, i didn't want to be too presumptuous. After all, I don't usually have girls look at me the way she was doing, so how was I supposed to know that she thought I was cute? Yeah, guys ARE clueless.

Anyway, so I got done with my glasses and ordering etc. and I'm walking out of the store when i hear the manager call out my name. I think "What, did I forget something?" Then this guy, who was constantly bugging the cute girl trying to sell me glasses, hands me a card with the girl's number on it and says "She thinks you're cute. You should call her." I'm a bit shocked, and I really don't know what to say, so I say something like "The feeling is mutual, and... I will call." Then I walk away.

Of course I don't get halfway down the mall before I think to myself, 'Hey, it's lunchtime. If you really think she is cute, you should show her by asking her out to lunch.' I do, and so I did. I turned around and walked back into the store. She was in the back, so the manager (with a huge smile on his face BTW) calls her out and I ask her "Do you eat lunch?" Yeah, so I was nervous.

But she said yes, so we went to the food court and I paid. That is what a gentleman does right? I mean sure, it's the food court at a mall, but still. The lunch was good, and the conversation even better.

Five months to the day after that I asked another question. She said yes then too.

But that is another story.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

empty title

How is it that every time you think you are going to have time to sit back, relax, and have a breather, the world turns on you and you have thirty things to do before gong to bed tonight?
Not that this is my case today necessarily, but it looks to be that way soon.

And the irony to it? When all is said and done, you were happier and more productive when you were running 500 m.p.h. To those of you out there having a rough time of it, well it'll get better someday, and until it does, i made sure there is a nice big knot at the end of your rope for you to hang on to when you get there.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Soo.... Someone went into my g-mail account and turned all the settings to arabic. It really stinks and i am fairly upset. I got my settings fixed for g-mail but all my other account stuff is really screwed up.

In other news, the snow up on the alpine loop i really pretty. If you have a good car and someone to go with you should totally check it out. Be Careful though, we saw someone in an accident where they were waaay of the side of the road and down the mountain a bit. I hope they were okay.

Finally, conference was awesome. I really have a lot to re-study and look at how my life is going. But first i have too much homework!

EDIT: The google stuff is fixed. Which is nice because i use their stuff a lot. It's pretty good and it's all for free! ;)