This is a post long in writing. I have had several blogs in the past, and I am quite horrible at keeping up on them. I really only write for myself, and so I am horrible at updating.
For the past five months now I have been distracted. Okay, so I've been absent-minded my whole life. But the point is I've found someone who I give more of my attention to than usual, and it has been wonderful. I have reached out more than ever before, and found a focus on another person outside of myself. This is a difficult thing for me. I am really good at being self-absorbed and single minded. I suppose that will be a good thing for her too. Because when I set my mind to something, I'm not going to give up. I'm so good at that in fact, that my dad calls what I do a "Ryan Obsession." This is a bit different however.
Five months (or so) ago I went on a bit of a spending splurge. I had just finished paying all my BIG bills for the summer (tuition, rent, etc.) and felt like spending some money. Just another obsession I suppose. I went out and bought a PSP, several movies and Glasses. By this I mean the kind that improve your vision.
Now when I bought the glasses, I also took the girl that sold them to me out to lunch. The entire time I was in the glasses store her coworkers were hounding her about giving me her number. I didn't see this directly by the way, I just knew they were acting weird, and while the thought that they "needed to talk to [her]" about me crossed my mind, i didn't want to be too presumptuous. After all, I don't usually have girls look at me the way she was doing, so how was I supposed to know that she thought I was cute? Yeah, guys ARE clueless.
Anyway, so I got done with my glasses and ordering etc. and I'm walking out of the store when i hear the manager call out my name. I think "What, did I forget something?" Then this guy, who was constantly bugging the cute girl trying to sell me glasses, hands me a card with the girl's number on it and says "She thinks you're cute. You should call her." I'm a bit shocked, and I really don't know what to say, so I say something like "The feeling is mutual, and... I will call." Then I walk away.
Of course I don't get halfway down the mall before I think to myself, 'Hey, it's lunchtime. If you really think she is cute, you should show her by asking her out to lunch.' I do, and so I did. I turned around and walked back into the store. She was in the back, so the manager (with a huge smile on his face BTW) calls her out and I ask her "Do you eat lunch?" Yeah, so I was nervous.
But she said yes, so we went to the food court and I paid. That is what a gentleman does right? I mean sure, it's the food court at a mall, but still. The lunch was good, and the conversation even better.
Five months to the day after that I asked another question. She said yes then too.
But that is another story.
Going to the Fair
10 years ago